Clear polymer optics without parallax that can withstand up to ten times more recoil than sights using glass optics. Unlike many competing products, the RMS is designed without a red reflective filter on the lens to ensure minimal visual signature. The sight body is made of aircraft-grade aluminum and has a matte black finish. The aiming point is a red LED dot (not a laser) – the brightness intensity is automatically adjusted to the surrounding light, which ensures maximum visibility.
Lens Cleaning
Lens Cleaning Instructions
When cleaning your Shield Sight, the lens needs to be prepared and cleared of any debris before the cleaning process can begin in order to avoid scratching the lens.
We recommend using compressed air to blow away debris rather than wiping the lens. This can be in a form of an aerosol-can, that can be purchased online.
Once you are happy that your lens is clear of debris, hot soapy water is the most effective solution to clean the lens. Household washing up liquid is sufficient. Using a Q-tip, dip the end in the solution and gently start wiping the lens discarding the Q-tip after each full rotation to ensure residue is not spread across the lens. We recommend starting around the edges of the lens working the way in to the centre.
This process can be used for both glass and polymer lenses